Workshop: Searching for 'other types' of reviews: beyond reviews of interventions. Tuesday 21st April, 14.30-16.00

Workshop title:  

Searching for 'other types' of reviews: beyond reviews of interventions

Outline of workshop:

Although Cochrane tends to focus on reviews of the effects and adverse effects of interventions, systematic reviews are also being conducted on a wide range of other topics.  These include reviews of qualitative data, reviews of prognosis and diagnostic test accuracy, cost-effectiveness and quality of life.

This 90 minute workshop is introductory and high level.  It will highlight some of the key differences in the searching approaches required for these reviews of non-intervention issues.  The workshop will also provide links to available guidance and ways to keep up to date on these topics.

The session is aimed at Information Specialists and interested authors.

Date and time:

Tuesday 21st April, 14:30-16:00

Workshop facilitator:

Julie Glanville

Julie Glanville is Associate Director of the York Health Economics Consortium (YHEC) at the University of York, UK. Julie is a qualified librarian who has been working in the field of systematic reviews for more than 25 years. Since 2008 she has coordinated YHEC's information and review services to customers who require literature searches and reviews of all types. Julie manages reviews ranging from rapid reviews to systematic reviews to inform submissions to reimbursement agencies such as NICE. Julie also manages indirect and mixed treatment comparisons. Before joining YHEC, Julie was Associate Director and Information Service Manager at the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD) at the University of York for fourteen years. In this role Julie managed information support for systematic reviews and technology assessments within CRD and to external customers, and managed CRD’s NHS Economic Evaluation Database. Julie is a co-convenor of the Cochrane Information Retrieval Methods Group, a co-author of the Cochrane Handbook chapter on searching for evidence and has contributed to the development of systematic review guidance for several organisations including the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination and the European Food Safety Authority. Julie is an Associate Editor for the journal Research Synthesis Methods.  Julie’s research interests are in search filter design and appraisal, text mining applications in systematic reviewing and the efficient identification of research evidence for systematic reviews, economic evaluations and models and health technology assessments.